Insider Benchmarks From $1,041,978 In YouTube Ads Cost Data

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Silvio Perez

If you’ve ever asked yourself:

  • How much does YouTube Ads cost?
  • What’s a good view rate for YouTube Ads? 
  • What’s a good CTR for YouTube Ads?

We analyzed $1,041,978 In YouTube Ads data from 2023-2024 to find the answers. 

Now It’s important to stress that benchmarks and stats should not be seen as law

Use these benchmarks and stats  as helpful starting point for perspective. 

But ultimately you should hold yourself accountable to your own results. 

The data set is comprised of the following sample:

  • Companies with > $10,000 in YouTube spend
  • Historical performance from 2023-2024
  • 100% B2B SaaS organizations 

For my fellow nerds 🤓 you can review and play with the anonymized data set here <<

Let’s jump into the insights! 


How Much Does YouTube Ads Cost?

Average Cost Per View (CPV)

The average cost per view for YouTube in-stream ads is $0.05, ranging from $0.01-$0.19.

A view is only counted if someone watches at least 30 seconds of your video. 

Average Cost Per Click (CPC)

The average cost per click for YouTube Ads is $3.56, ranging from $0.05 - $10.71.

Average Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

The average cost per thousand impressions (CPM) for YouTube Ads is $9, ranging from $1 - $23. 

What’s a Good View Rate for YouTube Ads? 

The average view rate for YouTube in-stream ads is 29.24%, ranging from 3.47% - 51.39%. 

What’s a Good CTR for YouTube Ads?

The average clickthrough rate  for YouTube in-stream ads is 0.51%, ranging from 0.09% - 1.64%. 

Additional Resources

If you’re looking to uplevel your paid advertising skill set check out our free on-demand courses and join 1,000+ B2B marketers leveling up their skill sets. 

If you want to dive deeper into B2B advertising check out some of our other top articles:

Hope these benchmarks and stats gave you some insight on YouTube Ads. 

As mentioned at the beginning of this article benchmarks should only be used as a starting point. 

Your performance and beating your current benchmarks is ultimately all that matters most. 

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Silvio Perez
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