Intro to B2B Google Ads: Crash Course For New Advertisers

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Silvio Perez

Want to master Google Ads for B2B? 

We’ll dissect Google Ads from a 10,000 foot view in this guide. 

So you can walk away knowing: 

  • What is Google Ads? 
  • Is your ideal B2B buyer searching on Google? 
  • How can you get your ad seen on the top of Google?
  • How much does Google Ads cost?

So whether you’re a SaaS founder, performance marketer, or in-house marketer looking to: 

  • Scale demo and trial requests for your new B2B SaaS startup 
  • Run Google ads for clients or launch  campaigns internally
  • Work with  freelancers or agencies running your Google Ads 

It all starts here with the fundamentals, so let’s dive in! 👇


What is Google Ads? 

Google Ads is an auction place. 

Or as I like to think about it, a battleground. 

Where you have thousands of advertisers competing against each other to show up on the top of Google when their ideal prospect searches for their products & services.

Google search results page for “email marketing software” with google search ads from Mailchimp, LinkedIn, and Brevo highlighted

With 8.5B + searchers happening per day on Google there is a very HIGH likelihood your ideal B2B buyer is using Google to find information, and research solutions. 

Is Your Ideal B2B Buyer Searching on Google?

Depending on the niche you’re in Google may or may not make sense. 

You can create a free Google Ads account and leverage the Keyword Planner to validate demand. 

All you need to do is research the ideal keyword your dream buyer would search and review the average monthly search volume and top of page bid estimates.

In the example below, I can see that for “email marketing software” there is:

  • 1,000 - 10,000 average monthly searches
  • $49.75 top of page bid estimate 

If your ideal keyword has > 100 searches per month, Google can be a worthwhile return on effort. 

Google Ads keyword planner displaying metrics for email marketing software keywords.

How Much Does Google Ads Cost?

Before diving into how much does Google Ads cost? 

With Google Ads you’re only charged on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis. 

Meaning you only pay Google if someone clicks your ad, so unlike traditional advertising you’re not being locked into a fixed contract and paying just for eyeballs (aka impressions). 

So in short if someone sees your Google Ad and doesn’t click, you won’t pay. 

This is what makes Google Ads so attractive, but extremely competitive.

Here’s two ways to find out how much Google Ads will cost for your ideal keywords:

1/ Review Top of Page Bid Estimates in the Google Ads Keyword Planner 

As shown in the previous step you can leverage the Keyword Planner to find bid estimates. 

In my experience these estimates are never 100% accurate and recommend adding 20% on top of the top of page bid estimate to be safe. 

For example, with the keyword of email marketing software we have a $49.75 top of page bid estimate, adding 20% makes it $59.70 allowing us a margin of error to better set expectations. 

Google Ads keyword planner highlighting bid estimates for email marketing software.

2/ Launch a Pilot Campaign for $100

Ultimately you’ll never know your real cost per click prices until launching. 

If you’re seriously considering Google Ads I recommend launching a pilot campaign for $100. 

The whole objective of this campaign is to understand; what is my REAL cost per click price? 

Here’s a simple cheat sheet for setting up this campaign: 

  • Campaign Name = {Region}_{KeywordTheme}_{MatchType}
  • Locations = {Your Target Country/Region/State}
  • Match Type = Exact
  • Bidding = Manual CPC

This setup will allow you to have the greatest control to discover your real CPC prices. 

How to Forecast Your Google Ads Budget

Once you know the following: 

  • Your quarterly sales goal 
  • Average cost per click
  • Opportunity win rate 
  • Revenue per sale 

You can easily forecast a daily, monthly, and quarterly budget using our Google Ads Budget Calculator based on worst, moderate, and best case scenarios. 

Give it a look, there’s a video tutorial on the page for you explaining the process. 

Google Ads budget calculator interface for estimating ad spend and ROI.

Why is Google Ads So Powerful?

Intention Is what makes search advertising so powerful  🤝

You can reach exactly the right person, in the right place, in the right location searching for your specific product or service. At that point all you have to do is show up and not mess things up.

I always say Google Ads is a blessing and a curse; they bless you with intent, and curse you with scale. 

Given your industry search volume will vary dramatically and it can become hard to scale. 

The key is to win Google’s Ad Rank game to offset competitors and rising click prices. 

Diagram of Google Ads ad rank factors like bid strategy and relevance.

How Can You Get Your Ad Seen on the Top of Google?

Every time you search for something on Google (or other search engines such as Yahoo, Bing, and Firefox) the results page you’re directed to afterwards is the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

I like to think of the SERP as the Battleground in which Google Ads takes place. 

The SERP is Divided Between Paid and Organic Results.

The Google SERP usually has about 3-4 paid ads at the top and 3 at the bottom.

Google search results page showing both paid and organic results for “email marketing software,” highlighting the difference between ad types

Ad Rank Determines the Position of Your Ad on the First Page

Which determines if your ad is on top of the first page of or nowhere to be seen.

Your goal is to appear in the top 3 spots as click-through rates decline with lower positions.

screenshot of the Google search page for “email marketing software” with ads from Mailchimp, LinkedIn, and Brevo ranked by position

Higher Position Doesn't Always Mean Greater Cost

The remarkable thing about Google Ads is that you can be #1 on the page and pay less than your competitors who are in positions lower than you (hypothetical example below). 

A screenshot of a Google search result for “email marketing software” with ads from Mailchimp, LinkedIn, and Brevo, annotated with CPC values for each ad position.

If after reading this article you believe Google Ads is worth further exploration. 

Build on this fundamental understanding of Google Ads for B2B. 

Hope you found this useful! 

Resources for Mastering B2B Advertising

If you’re serious about mastering B2B advertising then you definitely need to join 1,000+ B2B marketers leveling up their paid advertising skill sets in AdConversion. 

‍Here’s 4 reasons why you should consider joining. Every one of our on-demand courses are:

✅  100% free access.

✅  Taught by vetted industry experts.

✅  Have workbooks, resources, and templates.

✅  Less than 10 minutes per lesson.

We believe every marketer should know how to scale paid ads so they can:

  •  Scale their ideas
  • Level up their careers
  • Make a positive impact

Click Here to Join 1,000+ B2B Marketers Today and start leveling up your advertising skill set.

Takes < 90 seconds to sign up (seriously we timed it 😂)

Silvio Perez
Want to level up your B2B advertising skill set?
AdConversion was created to help B2B marketers master advertising with free courses, articles, resources, and templates created by the world best practitioners.
☝️Takes <  90 seconds
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