5 Unconventional Ways to Use The LinkedIn Ads Library

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Silvio Perez

Most marketers know the LinkedIn Ads library exists. 

And the basics of how to use it (ex: search a competitor and voila you’ll see their ads 🪄) 

You’re going to go beyond the basics in this article and learn. 

5 unconventional ways experts use the library to uncover insights and inspiration.

Let’s dive into it 👇



Unconventional Way #1: Finding Conversation Ads Copy

When you open up the LinkedIn Ads Library you can search %FIRSTNAME% to see conversation ad copy examples from competitors and relevant brands.

Here’s how to find conversation ad copy examples step-by-step:

  1. Open up the LinkedIn Ads Library and search for a relevant competitor or brand.
linkedin ads library company search
  1. Enter %FIRSTNAME% under search by keyword and select your relevant country and date range filters. 
linkedin ads library filters
  1. From here you can browse all available variations based on your filters 🎉


linkedin ad library results

If you don’t see any conversation ad messages you’ll likely need to adjust your filters or it’s possible your competitors or the relevant brands you’re researching aren’t actively testing this ad format.


Unconventional Way #2: Identifying Localization Campaigns

Localization campaigns are when you advertise outside your primary language and draft ads, and landing pages relevant to a specific language. 

We’ve seen advertising outside of the English language a reduction in costs by up to 70%. 

If you have the potential to advertise outside of English it’s definitely worth testing. 

Here’s how to identify localization campaigns with the ad library:

  1. Open up the LinkedIn Ads Library and search for a relevant competitor or brand.
company search linkedin ad library
  1. Filter by all countries and uncheck your current target locations (ex: United States)
linkedn ad library country filters
  1. Browse through the results to identify different localization campaigns (look for ad copy that isn’t in your primary language, example below is an ad in German). 
udemy ads in linkedin ad library
  1. Click view details on the ad to identify the targeted locations. 
impressions by country in linkedin ads library

Write down any interesting target countries and/or languages your competitors are targeting that you might consider reaching with localization campaigns. 


Unconventional Way #3: Studying Competitive Offers

Let’s say you’re a B2B SaaS company looking to drive more demo requests. 

You can use the LinkedIn ad library to easily see ads from competitors or relevant brands that are also trying to drive more demo requests. 

The same is true if we’re talking about free trials, webinar registrations, ebook downloads, and anything else you can think of. 

Here’s how to study competitive offers with the ad library:

  1. Open up the LinkedIn Ads Library and search your offer in the search by keyword filter.
keyword filter in linkedin ad library
  1. From here you can browse various ad types that mention your offer within the ad copy. 
demo ad results in linkedin ad library
  1. You can repeat this process and narrow down your filters for further granularity. 
salesforce ads in linkedin ad library


Unconventional Way #4: Creative Concept Discovery

Most advertisers using the library will just look at the ad examples provided and not dig much further. 

Instead what you should do is look for patterns around creative concepts to understand your competitors creative strategy (or the relevant brand in question). 

Creative concept = the format of which the creatives are designed off 

Here’s 10 examples of creative concepts:

  1. Before & After
  2. UGC
  3. Meme
  4. Product Mockup
  5. Illustration (Drawings)
  6. Stats & Research
  7. Comedy Skit
  8. Animated
  9. Behind-the-Scenes
  10. AI Generated

Using the library take note of any patterns of creative concepts your competitor/brand in question might be repeating. If it’s significant you might want to consider testing a similar concept. 

Use your best judgement when labelling concepts and look for patterns. 

creative concepts in the linkedin ad library


Unconventional Way #5: Landing Page Tear Downs

When viewing ads in the library you can  click on the CTA button to open up the associated landing page the ad is driving traffic towards. 

The original UTMs are also still within the URL parameter so you can reverse engineer these to better understand your competitors ad strategy (learn how here). 

With this valuable information you can tear down each page for inspiration. 

ad and landing page in linkedin ad library

Hope you found this article useful! 

See you in the next article or one of our free courses!


Resources for mastering B2B advertising

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Silvio Perez
Want to level up your B2B advertising skill set?
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