4 Unique LinkedIn Ad Strategies To Drive More Webinar Registrations

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Alejandro Perez

Webinars can be amazing generators of pipeline and revenue. 

They allow you to demo different use cases of your product, highlight success stories, and start actual conversations with your ICP. 

But it’s hard to get prospects interested when you’re competing against a million different ads popping up in their feed. 

Below are 4 unique LinkedIn ad strategies that I like to use to stand out and generate more registrations👇


Strategy #1: Leverage your thought leaders 

Ask your thought leaders who are participating in the webinar (from your company & other companies) if they’d feel comfortable posting about it. 

If the answer is yes, draft a sample post for each of your thought leaders so that they don’t have to start with a blank page. 

Ideally, they should post a couple weeks prior to the webinar date. After 4 or 5 days (once the organic reach has died down), you can boost the post to your ICP. 

Example from DoWhatWorks

LinkedIn ad for a webinar by Amplitude and DoWhatWorks on insights from 20,000 A/B tests, featuring strategies, mistakes, and optimization.

Strategy #2: Boost high-performing social media content

If your social media team posts about the webinar and it performs well organically, consider boosting this content and running it as an ad (instead of creating an ad from scratch). The benefit of boosting already high-performing content is the added social proof – prospects will take a closer look if a promoted post has tons of engagement. 

Example from Uberflip

LinkedIn ad for Uberflip webinar on adaptive technology in demand generation and ABM, featuring speakers Jason Dea and Kelvin Gee.

Strategy #3: Create a LinkedIn event

Most webinar ads take prospects to an external landing page, where they have to fill out a form to register. Although this can work well, a great alternative is to create a LinkedIn event (where people can sign up directly on the LinkedIn platform) and promote this event as an ad. 

The main advantages of this approach are: 

a) simplified registration (only takes a few clicks)

b) added social proof (event ads show how many people have already registered)

Example from Make

LinkedIn ad for Uberflip webinar on adaptive technology in demand generation and ABM, featuring speakers Jason Dea and Kelvin Gee.

Strategy #4: Use incentives

A lot of companies use incentives for demo request offers, but few are using incentives to promote their webinars. 

Give prospects an extra reason to register. Maybe by joining they’ll enter a raffle, get a free coffee, or gain access to certain templates. 

Example from ZoomInfo

LinkedIn ad for a ZoomInfo webinar with IBM strategists discussing go-to-market best practices, featuring a raffle for attendees.

Final Recommendations

In addition to testing out the strategies above, here are a few final tips to maximize the ROI of your webinar program:

  1. If you’re having trouble getting webinar registrations on your landing page, consider switching to native lead gen forms to minimize friction. 

  1. Don’t just promote your webinar to a cold audience. Think about other groups of people that might be interested in the content (i.e. retargeting audiences, open opportunities, churned customers, closed lost companies, previous webinar attendees, etc.)

  1. If you’re getting started, try different types of webinars to see what resonates most with your audience (and double down on whatever works)

If you want more tips around event promotion check out this article by Kirk Deis.

Hope you found this article insightful! 

Connect with me on LinkedIn, and reach out with any questions. 

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Alejandro Perez
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